A young woman and young man signing to each other

Get Involved

Get Involved

Share Your Story With Us

Daughter, mom, and son in a wheelchair on a walkway

It is our goal at Stavros to give people with disabilities the tools to take charge of their life choices, act on their own behalf, and overcome situations that reduce their potential for independence. Another way we empower people with disabilities by asking to share their stories with us and others. Did we help you? Please share your story, tell us how we helped you by sending us an email.


There are issues everyday that affect our health, our ability to get around and participate in the community. We need YOUR help to make our communities better places to live. To help our advocacy efforts click here.


Is there any issue in your community that needs to be addressed? Let us know!


Register to Vote

Independence for people with disabilities have not come easy and there is still work to do. We want you to have a voice and to know the issues facing your community.

Take action

First step to make a difference and have your voice heard is to register to vote. If you don’t know how or have questions we can help you with that or you may go to http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleifv/howreg.htm You may request a voter registration form at this website or call your local town office to request a voter registration form be sent to you. 

Already a register voter? Great! Check out our Advocacy page. Stay updated on issues that affect the disability community and make sure you get involved.

Stavros appreciates people that want to make a difference and you are one of them.

Get Our e News

If you want to get the latest news about Stavros and how we are making change to help people with disabilities, sign up for our e-news.Every month we will send you information of our advocacy efforts, and what we have done to help people with disabilities.  Fill out your name and email in the footer of our website, or email us.