Asset Recovery Program

Asset Recovery Program

Dear colleague,


I’m writing to bring you up to date on the Estate Recovery bills. First, thanks to all of you who reached out to your state representatives and senators in support of both bills when they were in the Joint Committee on Healthcare Financing.


Our combined efforts paid off and both bills were merged and reported out favorably to House Ways and Means. You can find a quick link here.


A quick overview of the legislation:


  • Limits MassHealth to only federally mandated recovery for nursing home care & home-and-community based-services & some related services—not all services received after age 55.
  • Limits recovery for managed care premiums to the lesser of the premium or the actual cost of services.
  • Establishes broader criteria and a fairer process for when MassHealth will grant undue hardship waivers from estate recovery.
  • Waives estate recovery for CommonHealth, a MassHealth work incentive program for disabled adults.


A more detailed fact sheet is here.


This legislation will significantly lessen the often extraordinary hardship placed on family members and heirs of MassHealth beneficiaries’ estates when they die. In addition, it waives Estate Recovery for disabled adults on CommonHealth.


I’m asking that you pull together with your team to get it passed out of HWM. Look at the list of HWM members here to focus on those who are in your district. Please take the time to email, call or visit them and ask for their support. It will be helpful to use the fact sheet when contacting them.


Please contact me if you need any clarification or additional information.





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