The Center for public representation and other advocacy organizations challenge the state in advancing the State Transitional Plan

The Center for public representation and other advocacy organizations challenge the state in advancing the State Transitional Plan

CPR and Partners Urge Massachusetts to Produce Evidence
of Integration Required by the Home and
Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Rule

On January 11, 2023, CPR submitted detailed comments in response to Massachusetts’ recently updated Statewide Transition Plan that was submitted to the Center for Medicaid and Medicaid Services (CMS) in December of 2022. The Plan is part of a long-standing process to comply with federal rules requiring that Medicaid-funded home and community-based services are delivered in integrated settings that afford individuals freedom of choice. Massachusetts’ initial Plan was released in 2015. There has been no public comment process since July 2016.

In its written submission, and in related public testimony, CPR focused on the Commonwealths’ failure to produce evidence demonstrating that it has taken the necessary remedial actions to comply with the new rules with respect to its residential, employment, and day service settings previously presumed to be segregated under the Settings Rule. CPR also highlighted serious limitations associated with the public comment process, and Massachusetts’ failure to outreach to, and seek feedback from, self-advocate and family organizations prior to submitting its current Plan.

CPR’s comments were joined by nine local organizations representing self-advocates, families, and other allies within the disability community.

Submitted by Center for Public Representation

Joseph Tringali
Editor and Informational Advocate
Stavros Center for Independent Living

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