What you need to know about Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).

What you need to know about Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)?

Fellow consumers you probably heard a lot about Electronic Visit Verification (EVV).

It’s meant to be a new way of tracking the coming and going of PCAs during their time working with PCA and MFP consumers .

EVV was a part of President Obama’s Cures Act, however it was not meant to be used for the PCA program.

It was meant for workers in residential programs.

In any event we can protect ourselves from being Geo tracked. This is different than collecting timesheet information.

It’s also the way Medicaid can collect information about where and when you punch in your time. Some consumers believe that’s an invasion of privacy. We do.

Below is a sample letter to be used for your federal legislators. We hope you take the time to fill in the sample letter, or better yet, use your own words and your own story.


Dear Representative _______,

My name is _______ and I live in your district. I’m writing today to ask that you sign on and support HR 6000 also known as Cures 2.0 filed by Representatives DeGette and Upton to expand and clarify the original 21st Century Cures Act.

Cures 2.0 clarifies a very important section of the law that deals with Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) in section 12006 that covers personal care services. Specifically, it clarifies the confusion around the location provision of this section by “prohibiting the use of GPS and biometrics.” Unfortunately, CMS incorrectly interpreted this provision and requires the use of surveillance for personal care services workers.

The result has been disruptive and unwarranted. Personal care services workers do not want, nor do they deserve to be tracked by GPS or biometrics. It's an invasion of privacy and has contributed to significant worker shortages in the States where EVV has been implemented. Further, for example, many states have implemented punitive practices that limit the number of mistakes a worker can make using this new system and after three, they are not allowed to participate in the program. This is unacceptable, and leaves people with disabilities who employ them without coverage and puts them at risk of medical problems such as pressure sores, compromised breathing and sometimes having to stay in bed for days. The default in this situation is that people with disabilities who have been successfully living independently in the community for decades are confronted with going into nursing homes.

As a constituent, I ask that you sign on to HR 6000 and support the bill to get it out of the Energy & Commerce committee for a vote by the house. By doing this, you can say no to privacy invasion and direct care workers shortages for people with disabilities who are simply trying to live independently in the community outside of nursing homes.

Thank you in advance for your support.


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