Options Counseling

Nobody wants to live in a nursing home. But far too many persons with disabilities and elders don’t see any other choice. For these individuals and their families, our Options Counseling Program is the pathway to getting out of nursing homes, or never going there in the first place.
If you’re worried about where you or a loved one might end up, or if you’re in a nursing home and want to get out, our trained Options Counselors will go over the many choices you actually have. We’ll talk to you about your finances and health insurance and about the benefits programs available that can improve your checkbook balance and your health. We’ll talk to you about the services that can keep you in your home, or support you when you get back to your own place. And we’ll help you map out a plan that keeps you where you want to be.
For more information you may email us or contact our Information and Referral Department at 1-413-256-0473 ext 201 and request an Options Counselor.