Woman and young boy laughing and coloring

Our Services

Our Services

Woman and happy child posing for a selfie

Children and Youth with Disabilities

At Stavros, we want to make sure that children and youth with disabilities have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Getting the Best Health Care and Supports

Many children with disabilities don’t have the supports they need at home to be healthy and safe. We work closely with families to make sure that their children get the best home care and supports available.

Getting the Best Education

Many parents are frustrated by the lack of resources and opportunities for children with disabilities. We work with families to ensure that their kids’ Individual Education Plans (IEPs) reflect what they need to grow.

We provide a variety of services and supports through three different programs.

The Transition to Adulthood Program

The Transition to Adulthood Program (TAP)  is for young people with disabilities (14 to  their 22nd birthday) who are still in high school. TAP is here to help you figure out the future--your future--in a way that feels the most comfortable to you. We will go at your pace and support you in your preparation for adulthood. Our aim is to empower you to make your own decisions about how you want to create your life. You can build it, and we can help! This program is funded by the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.

Transition Pathway Services

Transition Pathway Services (TPS) provides work based learning experiences customized around a student’s abilities, skills, interests and local opportunities using ten TPS components. The ten components include:

  • 2 work based learning experiences                  
  • Vocational counseling
  • Workplace Readiness training                                            
  • Benefits counseling    
  • Assistive technology                                               
  • Transportation coordination
  • Vocational assessments                                        
  • Peer mentoring                           
  • Customized job placement                                   
  • Family support transition planning
  • Pre-Employment Transition Services

For young adults with disabilities in high school or deemed potentially eligible by their involvement in any post-secondary training program or working on college credits. Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) can help you get ready for a job. These services include:

  • Job exploration counseling
  • Work readiness training
  • Work-based learning experiences
  • Counseling in post-secondary education
  • Self-advocacy

These services can help you become aware of your interests and gain skills to help you get ready for the world of work.